Friday, February 16, 2018

From the Bates County Sheriff's Office

On 2/16/2018, Bates County Dispatch received a call from a resident in rural Adrian stating that he had a possible intruder in his residence. He stated that he had shot multiple times toward the suspect or suspects. Deputies were dispatched and additional Deputies were called out from home. 

Once on scene Deputies made contact with the home owner. The area was searched for the possible suspect or suspects. During the investigation the Deputy requested that a Nixle community text be sent out to alert residents of the situation. The Deputy determined that the home owner did indeed shoot his gun inside his residence.

The investigation continued and it was determined that there was no burglary or intruder at the residence. The Deputies determined that the homeowner was having a medical issue and transported him to the hospital for treatment. An additional Nixle was sent out to advise the public that the call was an unfounded call.

We appreciate the relationship we have with the public and will continue to utilize the Nixle system as an early warning/information system for the public. To get Nixle test messaging on your cell phone text your zip code to 888777.

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