Tuesday, February 5, 2019

From the Sherwood Cass R-VIII School District

We will release at 12:35pm today due to current and forecasted road conditions. The paved roads especially to the west of Creighton are showing icy spots and it is in the forecast that around 2:00pm-3:00pm we will start having freezing rain. In an effort to get everyone home safely we will dismiss early. Students will still be served lunch at school, but we will be dismissing at 12:35pm like we do for any other early dismissal. We will not be playing basketball at the MIdway Tournament tonight. 

Make up announcement will be pending. We apologize for the shortened notice, but the safety of our students is always our priority. If you have any other questions please let us know. Dr. Steve Ritter Superintendent of Schools Sherwood Cass R-VIII School District steve.ritter@sherwoodk12.net 660-499-2239 ext 400

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