Sunday, May 5, 2019

One dead after shooting in Clinton

Jeremy Dalton Schley
On 05/04/2019 at 8:42 pm, Clinton Police Officers were dispatched to a shooting in the 500 Block of South Carter Street where they discovered a subject who had suffered multiple gunshot wounds.

Despite life saving measures administered by responding officers, Jonathan Joseph Nahrstedt, age 24, of Warsaw, MO was transported to Golden Valley Memorial Hospital Emergency Room via ambulance where he was pronounced deceased.

Jeremy Dalton Schley, age 21, of Clinton, was arrested at the scene and was held in the Henry County Jail on a 24 hours investigative hold while the investigation continues.

Clinton Police Detectives were still interviewing witnesses and examining evidence at the time of this press release. Schley has not been formally charged with any crime yet.

Clinton Police Officers and Detectives were assisted at the scene by Henry County Sheriff’s Deputies.

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