Sunday, March 15, 2020

Adrian Staff, Students, and Parents,

Please Share**Message from our Superintendent
3-15-2020 Updated 5:30 p.m.
Adrian Staff, Students, and Parents,
One of the Adrian R-III goals for all students and employees is safety. As we have considered what is the best course of action in responding to the coronavirus epidemic, we have asked ourselves what is best for all of our students, staff, and community. While we do not want to overreact, burden families in any way, interrupt the learning process, limit students from eating, or limit opportunities for our students, we feel it is best to extend our spring break for another two days. Monday, March 16, and Tuesday, March 17, school will be cancelled. All activities, practices, and trips will also be canceled or postponed the week of March 16-20 as well. This will allow us time to gain more understanding of this unprecedented situation while doing everything we can to ensure that all our students, staff, and community are as safe as possible.

We will continue to work with local and state agencies to monitor the situation and make decisions that we feel are best for all of our students, staff, and community. We will continue to communicate with everyone as we progress through this challenging time. I want to thank everyone for their understanding, patience, and support over the past few days and for the weeks ahead.
Don Lile
Adrian R-III Superintendent.

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