Monday, March 16, 2020

From Osage Valley Electric Cooperative

As your electric supplier we understand that we provide an essential service to our members and the communities we live in. With the COVID-19 situation, we are preparing for all possible scenarios to ensure we have the right plans in place to abide by any possible locally or nationally imposed policies while continuing to seamlessly provide electric service to our members.

At this time we strongly discourage members from visiting our offices to conduct business and encourage our members to take advantage of the multiple ways provided to conduct business both online and over the phone. 

If you haven’t downloaded the SmartHub app and set up your account, we encourage you to do so.

While using these applications will help our members reduce exposure by being able conduct business from their home, they are also a great convenience.

• Moving? New member applications can be completed on-line at Call our office and a representative will be happy to help you through the process.
• Need to make a payment? There are many options for making a payment. Check them all out here.
• Report an outage? Call 660-679-3131 or for the fastest way to report an outage, use the SmartHub app.

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