Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Appleton City garage sales next month

Appleton City area news courtesy of the Industrial Development Committee

The AC-City Wide Garage Sale dates are June 19 - 20. Permits are $5 and can be purchased at City Hall from June 1 - 16. Permits to set up in the City Park are $25 for the pole shelter, $15 for the stage, $10 for the lawn and that price covers both days. These are also available at City Hall and are sold on a first come, first served basis. Maps will be available at Food Fair, Casey's and Powell's True Value beginning Thursday afternoon (6/18). House of Joy Ministry will be at the City Park Saturday from 3:00 to 5:00 to pick up donations. For questions call Dianne Foster at 476-2390.

St. Clair County Cattlemen's Assn. Women’s Activity will be 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. May 30 at Got an Idea Primitives, SE 600 Pvt Rd, Collins, MO 64738.  Make sure you tell them you are with the St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Assn.

The Appleton City Public Library is not taking donations of books, movies, or any other materials at this time. Thank you for your cooperation

If you were growing whiskers for the SQC contest when it was postponed and want to shave them off., take a before you shave and an after you shave it off picture for the Picture Contest before May 31, 2020.  Text them to Chairman Shelley Davis 660-492-7644 or

The Appleton City Landmarks Museum will not open the display area to the public until June 5 from 1:30-4:30. The office/library area is usually staffed on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.  The 150th Sesquicentennial book is available for pickup at the Museum office. The cost of the over 500 page book is $25.00 picked up at the museum office or it can be mailed for $30.00. You can pick up the book on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:00-4:00. Please observe social distancing guidelines and have your check made out for the number of books you wish to buy. If you want them to mail your copy of the book, mail your check with the address to A.C. Landmarks 503 North Maple Appleton City, MO 64724.

On May 19, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, announced details for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). The funding for CFAP comes from a combination of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Stability (CARES) Act, the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter (CCC) Act and other USDA sources. CFAP provides up to $16 billion in direct payments to farmers and ranchers whose market demand has seen a negative impact by the Coronavirus. An additional $3 billion will be used to purchase fresh produce, dairy, and meat for the Farmers to Families Food Box program. Producers whose agriculture commodities have suffered a five-percent-or-greater price decline or face significant marketing cost for inventories due to COVID-19 are eligible for payments. Agricultural products that qualify for CFAP include: non-specialty crops: malting barley, canola, corn, upland cotton, millet, oats, soybeans, sorghum, sunflower, durum wheat, and hard red spring wheat, wool, livestock: cattle, lambs, yearlings, hogs, dairy, specialty crops: fruits, vegetables, nuts, other (for a full list go to Other crops may be considered based on information that meets eligibility requirements. CFAP payments are calculated based on the type of product(s), current/past inventory, recent sale history, and various other factors. Enrollment for CFAP begins May 26, 2020. To enroll, contact your local FSA office to schedule an appointment. You do not need to be a current FSA customer to apply. Applicants should be prepared to provide: contact information, Tax ID number, farming operating structure, adjusted gross income and direct deposit information. For more information, contact your local FSA office, or contact Raysha Tate at or 417-646-2419 at the St. Clair County MU Extension office.

Missourians need not worry about insects dubbed “murder hornets” in social media, says University of Missouri Extension entomologist Kevin Rice.
The name circulating on social media is misleading. Scientists do not use the term murderous to describe this interesting insect. These headlines sound like something from a Stephen King story and instill unnecessary fear. The Asian giant hornet is not typically aggressive and only attacks people when its nest is threatened. In Japan, fewer than 50 people per year die from the hornet’s potent venom. To put this in perspective, more than 200 people die in the U.S. each year from vehicle accidents involving deer. The hornet is not present in the Midwest now. It is also extremely unlikely it will ever move here. In 2019, entomologists found and eradicated one nest in Vancouver, Canada. One dead wasp was found in the state of Washington. The hornet prefers mountains and lowlands. It dislikes plains, especially areas where humans live. A native of eastern Asia and Japan, the hornet can adapt to new environments, but it presents minimal, if any danger to humans in the United States. Measuring about 2 inches long, the Asian giant hornet is the world’s largest hornet. It is about three or four times larger than other wasps in the United States. Specialists are concerned that people worried about “murder hornets” will spray native wasps and hornets that pollinate plants and provide important biological controls for agriculture. The real danger of Asian giant hornets is to bees. The hornets can kill entire hives.

Alfalfa 101: Establishing a Stand, Starting Production, Harvesting, Feeding and Economics will be offered on-line via Zoom.  The workshop, on June 2 from 4:00 - 8:30 p.m., will give producers the basic knowledge to produce alfalfa.  Alfalfa is quite different from other forages and requires more management but rewards you with high quality forage.  The workshop will be taught by Pat Miller, University of Missouri Extension Agronomy Specialist; Wesley Tucker, University of Missouri Extension Ag Business Specialist and Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension Livestock Specialist.  The cost is $25 per person.  The 68 page Alfalfa Management Guide and other handouts will be e-mailed to participants.  Please make reservations by June 1 by registering on-line at For more information, call Pat Miller at 417-448-2560 or e-mail her at 

If you need a space to garden this year, it’s not too late and they have plenty of room at the West Central Community Farm at the corner of Burbank and Locust in AC.  If you would like a free spot in the garden, you can have access to the tool shed and the water line.  After signing the community farm terms and agreement and a brief orientation, you will be ready to get your grow on. Contact Katie Nixon to express your interest by contacting her at or 816-809-5074.

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