Monday, June 1, 2020

Hume Community News 6/1/20

June 1, 2020.
Hume News

A little bit of normal is starting to come back. People are attending Churches, which will make it easier to remember what day of the week it actually is; yes I have had trouble with that! Let me tell you that probably felt best of all to be back in church along with being with our families. Ballgames are starting to be played on Sunny days all the while by trying to maintain social distancing. We are adjusting to our new normal, whether we like it or not.

The community of Hume wishes to extend their sympathy to Carolyn Doolin and family on the loss of her sister, Sharon Kunkel of Nevada, MO. She will be greatly missed.

The community of Hume will hold their annual City wide garage sale this Saturday, June 6. We are not sure how many are participating but there will be some garage sales to get out and enjoy.

Hume United Methodist Church News: Good news as I said earlier we are back in Church. During our time off the Pastor had Zoom meetings and several have enjoyed Bible Study on Wednesday nights with Michael Wriston. We will continue to have Zoom meetings for those still staying at home, hopefully no technical difficulties arise. Kid’s Klub was cut short due to the pandemic, but we continued to put little lessons on face book for the parents to read to their children. We sincerely hope they enjoyed them and we missed the kids so much. We look forward to the time we can meet again next year.

There will be a rummage sale at the Church on Saturday, June 6 starting at 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. We are not sure what all we will have, but something might perk your interest. Of course we will be practicing social distancing. Everyone have a blessed week!

Courtesy of Karen Irwin

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