Monday, June 8, 2020

Want to get tested?

RP Update
Monday, June 8, 2020

Free COVID-19 testing will be available Thursday and Friday at Raymore-Peculiar High School. The test is open to Missouri residents, with or without symptoms. No doctor’s order is needed. 

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, the Missouri National Guard, and the Cass County Health Department are working together to offer the FREE regional testing opportunity. The Ray-Pec School District is partnering by providing space for the agencies to use during the event.

Testing will take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, June 11, and Friday, June 12. You will begin the check-in process in the parking lot at Ray-Pec High School, 20801 S. School Rd., Peculiar.

Registration is required! Sign up at: People without access to online registration may call the Missouri COVID-19 hotline for registration assistance at 877-435-8411. They will schedule 700 tests each day (1,400 total).

You do not need to reside in Cass County or the Raymore-Peculiar School District to participate in testing at this site. You need only be a Missouri resident and complete the registration.

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