St. Clair Co. Health Department reports there have now been over 593COVID cases with 13 deaths in the county. AC had 5 new cases last week for a total of 131 cases. This count does not include the nursing homes. According to the Health Department, due to people in the community spreading this disease, it has now come into the elderly care facilities.Hospitalizations are happening more frequently. They ask people to please stop running around, having parties, get togethers and visiting family and friends. One visit is all it takes. You should wear masks, social distance, wash your hands often and stay home! Don't go to work sick. Stop the spread! More information is available at
If you have been in close contact with a person known to have Coronavirus or if you have recently traveled to an area with ongoing spread of Coronavirus, as well as experiencing fever, cough, or trouble breathing and need medical attention, please call Ellett Memorial Hospital at 660-476-5219, OR AC Rural Health Clinic at 660-476-2121 TO ALERT STAFF PRIOR TO YOUR ARRIVAL!
It’s time to gather up those Food Fair receipts (September-December), Best Choice UPC labels and box tops and send them to Appleton City Elementary School by Friday, January 8. The class with the most labelswins a party.
At this time a date has not be set for the Sesquicentennial Celebration but event planning is still taking place. Keep making preparations to participate in any and all events when the time arrives.
The Sesquicentennial Poster Contest is open to anyone age from 3rd grade to beyond retirement age. The deadline is January 31, 2021. Categories will include both free hand art and computer generated art. The art must be about “Appleton City Past or Present”. Everyone may participate by encouraging artists in the AC area to create and enter a poster. You can get guidelines and entry forms from school art teachers or call 660-476-5857 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. or email
Start growing and grooming those whiskers for the SQC Whisker contest. All styles of facial hair are encouraged. Anyone with facial whiskers can enter.
The Ellett Memorial Hospital Foundation was established in 2000 by a local couple to benefit and carry out the purposes of Ellett Memorial Hospital. The Foundation has played a major role in the Hospital’s recent renovation/expansion project. The Foundation is a 501c3 organization and plays an important role in ensuring the future of the Hospital by providing an avenue for individuals, groups and corporations to lend their financial support through tax-deductible contributions. The Ellett Memorial Hospital Foundation would like to extend an invitation to the community to assist with this project. They would like to welcome all current and past members of the community and service area to make a donation to the Ellett Memorial Hospital Foundation. Donations can be restricted or non-restricted for use as the donor identifies. Recognition will be given for all contributions. For further information, contact Julee Snyder, Ellett Memorial Hospital, 660-476-211.
Ellett Memorial Hospital Appleton City offers outpatient specialist services for January 2021 2020. Call 660-476-2111 for appointments: Jan 6- Upper GI, Colonoscopy- Dr. Namin, Jan 7 – OB/GYN-Dr. Kallberg, Jan 8 – Ortho-Dr. Gray, Jan 13 -Upper GI, Colonoscopy-Dr. Vardakis, Jan 14 - Rheumatology, Dr. Tay, Jan 20- Upper GI, Colonoscopy- Dr. Namin Jan 27 – Ortho-Dr. Gray, Jan 27 –Ophthalmology, Dr. Soni, Jan 28 -Rheumatology, Dr. Tay.
“The Little Apple” was started by the A. C. Economic Development as way of informing residents of news and events sponsored by area businesses and organizations. Items of a clearly personal nature, such as birthdays, anniversaries, awards (not group sponsored), personal sales and the like are not accepted for publication. Please email articles for “The Little Apple” to by Tuesday evenings or bring them to Dr. Payton’s office to be included in that week’s edition. To receive "The Little Apple" free by e-mail, send your e-mail address to If you have changed your previous email address, you are asked to send the current address, so the list can be updated.
Jan 11-16 ACHS Invitational Varsity Basketball Tournament