Sunday, February 13, 2022

Many thoughts and prayers for the Archie Community

Dear Archie families: 

On Saturday, February 12, 2022, the Archie School District experienced the sudden death of one of our students. The school staff is all deeply saddened by this loss.

First and foremost we would like to offer our condolences to the family and friends that are suffering from this great tragedy. Once again we cannot tell you how saddened we are by this event. We have mobilized our crisis management team and have also initiated procedures to be able to help your children address their grief and reactions to this horrible tragedy.

Our district crisis team is supplemented by many community resources/members that are available to talk with your children and help them process their feelings. The resources that can be accessed consist of teams of school guidance counselors, local therapeutic counselors, and representatives of the Archie Ministerial Alliance. We have allocated private spaces within the building to accommodate those students that need someone to talk to during this difficult time.

As the effects from this loss are devastating to our entire school community, we have also identified resources that can be accessed for all that are suffering, students or otherwise. Our intent is to be a support to all that are suffering from this loss and we are prepared to provide a list of resources to those that may require extended services.

Our counselors want you to know that it is normal for your child to have unresolved feelings and that they may try to discuss them with you. You can be a great help for your child by listening carefully, staying calm, accepting his/her feelings and answering questions to the best of your abilities. Remember, "I don't know" is a perfectly acceptable answer. The following people/organizations have been made aware of the tragedy and have committed their services to help you through this difficult time. 

If you have any additional questions or feel the need for further assistance, you may contact any of the following people: 

Sharon Goth (816)293-5312 ext. 107 
Dee Botkin (816)293-5312 ext 106 

Compass Health (816)380-5167 
Peace Partnership (816886-0195 

Jordan Reed (Contact Person) (816)942-1414 Pose Vatikani(808)520-5433 Larry Hess (816)293-5802 

Coping with Grief and Loss - Healthy grieving | Counseling Center 

Tamara Stroud-Elementary Principal Michelle Gaddie-
Middle/High School Principal Lee Harmon-
Special Services Director Jeff Kramer-Superintendent (816)293-5312 ext. 101 
(816)293-5312 ext.101 
(816)293-5312 ext. 108 
(816 293-5312 ext. 114 

*The school guidance department has an extended list of resources available upon request. * 

Sincerely, Mr. Jeff Kramer Superintendent

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