Friday, March 31, 2023

Talk of turbines in Bates county is looking to become reality

In early February, Mid America Live posted a story titled Is Proposed Wind Farm Just Hot Air? and at that time, details were sketchy as to whether or not the project would become a reality; but it appears it is indeed gaining momentum and has been in the works for at least 5 years.

The initial information came via the Butler airport commission as they had received a letter from the FAA asking for comment as the proposed wind farm would have wind turbines located near the runway and in all, most would be located in an area generally east of Passaic, just northeast of the airport property.

Mid America Live has made multiple attempts to contact Harvest Ridge Wind Project LLC in Lenexa, Kansas with no response, seeking some type of status of the project that is said to encompass some 53 wind turbines covering about 40,000 acres total in Bates County. It was however, confirmed through the Bates county Commissioner’s office that yes, there was forward movement and it was emphasized that much work would lie ahead for them regarding right-of-way easements and more  as the wind farm comes to fruition. 

With that, it was also noted the Commission is obligated to fulfill those needs without hesitation as there is no county zoning or similar roadblocks that would keep the project from moving forward. 

Mid America Live has obtained records from the Bates county Recorder of Deeds office that indicates yes, some 109 “Memorandum of Wind Energy Lease” documents have been signed, stamped and notarized through the Recorder’s office dating back to November of 2017 with the most recent in January of 2023. A closer look at those documents reveal that many would be just be providing right-of-way easements for buried cable, access roads or similar; not all would have a standing turbine per se. Note that a few of those leases (a handful or so) were indeed for placement of temporary wind study towers which have since been removed.       

Short of making contact with Harvest Ridge, Mid America Live did some Googling and found two more business names associated with the project, Skyview Wind Project and Autumn Waltze Wind Project. While the connection to the latter is still unknown, it does appear that Skyview is listed as a ‘branch’ of Harvest Ridge. While all three entities do appear in various places on the 109 leases found at the recorder’s office, most all are accompanied with a notary signature by a Martha Long, which to date, we have not been able to contact. We do believe however, she is affiliated with Harvest Ridge Wind Project, LLC who has an office at 16105 W. 113th street, Lenexa, Kansas and we will continue to attempt to make contact with her for a status update on the project.

This leaves the lingering question: Does Harvest Ridge have enough land leases signed to actually begin installing the 700 foot high (estimated) turbines? Without hard facts from Harvest Ridge, one could speculate that with 109 leases for 53 turbines (considering many leases would simply cover say a small easement for buried cable, etc.) are they getting close?

Mid America Live will continue attempt to make contact with all parties involved and updates will be provided accordingly. 

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