Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Mike Zaring elected as new mayor of Harrisonville

On April 4, 2023, the residents of Harrisonville went to the polls to decide the future of our City.

Through your civic duty, Mike Zaring was elected as the Mayor of Harrisonville! Zaring enters the role with a strong knowledge of Harrisonville, after serving as a Ward 1 Aldermen for the previous three years and living here for 17 years. Zaring was sworn in as Mayor during the April 17, Board meeting.

The City of Harrisonville would like to thank Judy Bowman, the first female Mayor in Harrisonville’s history, for her strong leadership during her time as Mayor and look forward to continued growth and success with Zaring at the helm. Mayor Zaring presented former-Mayor Bowman with a plaque and a statement of appreciation for her service to the Harrisonville community.

Voters also decided the four open seats on the City’s Board, re-electing incumbents David Doerhoff as a Ward 1 Aldermen, Marcia Milner as a Ward 2 Aldermen, William ’Bill’ Mills as a Ward 3 Aldermen and Gary Davidson as a Ward 4 Aldermen. Each was sworn into their seat during the April 17, meeting. Mills was not included in pictures of the swearing in, as he was unable to attend the meeting. He will be sworn in during the next available meeting.

Each of the re-elected aldermen continue several years of dedicated service to the Harrisonville community, with Aldermen Davidson and Doerhoff now entering their fifth years, Alderwoman Milner entering her 11th year and Alderman Mills serving in his third year as an aldermen, after serving as Mayor from 1993-1995.

During the April 17, meeting, the Board also approved the appointment of Kile Chaney as an Aldermen for Ward 1; filling the role vacated by now-Mayor Zaring. Chaney has lived in Harrisonville for 19 years, operating a masonry business and currently serving as the President of the local Elks Lodge.

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