Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Two solar panel projects proposed for Bates County


Not to be confused with a proposed wind turbine farm to be located east of Passaic, a representative of Clearway Energy Group met with the Bates county commissioners recently to get the ball rolling on a proposed solar panel farm near Amsterdam. While two separate companies are vying for property in the same general area, both a similar in size and power output which would be an estimated 250 megawatts each.

Several tracts of land are of interest, at least two located generally just south and north of the city limits giving both easy access to the grid, specifically the 435kv transmission lines connected to the La Cygne power plant.

The other company, NextEra Energy, has made a similar pitch to the commissioners requesting approval for needed infrastructure such as access roads, buried cable right of ways and other.

“We’re in the very early stages of this project” emphasized Joshual Framel of Clearway Energy Group as he went on to say that there is much work ahead as the company would anticipate a completion of the project in 2027. Some questions arose in the meeting inquiring about use of local labor for example, and that is likely but it would be handled by sub contractor who would make the final call.

It was also pointed out that there may indeed be a financial benefit for local schools as well, much like most green energy initiatives normally provide. An estimated amount will not be available until a much later phase of the project.

Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley stated early on that he was aware that other counties have “had issues” with similar projects and he wants to make sure the county is protected and that all contracts are clearly understood. For example, it was asked what if the landowner sells the property? What happens if NextEra or Clearway sell out to another company? Those present were assured that such questions would be addressed and answered prior to any contracts approved and signed.

Another posed was “would local consumers reap any other benefits such as a reduction on the price of power” that came with an answer of not likely. In the power world, as Framel explained, the grid is much like putting extra water in a river that someone could reclaim downstream- for example power can be added locally on the grid that might be used several states away, for example.

At this juncture both the Clearway and NextEra proposals are in their infancy; both companies are estimating about the same power output and both are anticipating a completion of about 4 years down the road.

Mid America Live will continue to provided updates on the solar projects as well as the proposed wind turbine project as information becomes available.

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