Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Council awaits word on $100k grant


During the regular session of the Butler city council on June 6th, city clerk Corey Snead announced that paperwork has been submitted for a $100,000 grant for the purchase of two police vehicles and the announcement came with enthusiasm that it will most likely be awarded to the city of Butler. Snead indicated that status of the award is expected “very soon”. 

As city department heads were given an opportunity to give reports, code enforcement officer Turner Henderson provided copies of his employee evaluation to the council which he indicated was “overall positive”- however it was quickly determined that Henderson was preparing to make a statement regarding a personnel matter and the discussion was moved to closed session. Most likely  details will be made public during an upcoming meeting.

City administrator Mike West announced that Butler has been awarded $285,941.00 for rural water/controls improvements via ARPA money distributed by the Bates County Commission. The first order of business for the funds will be to complete a controls upgrade at the water plant which is approximately $90k.  

The controls upgrade at the plant were deemed necessary as the current system is outdated making parts hard to find among other things.

The Butler planning commission will be meeting at 5:30 pm Tuesday June 13th to rehash the proposed RV park that would be located near the Days Inn hotel. The public is highly encouraged to attend.

Remember, the Butler city council meets on the first and third Tuesdays, 7 pm, upstairs at city hall and the public is highly encourage to attend. An elevator is available for those with special needs.

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