Wednesday, June 7, 2023

McCarthy Jury Trial begins for Murder of Clinton Police Officer Gary Michael

The jury trial for Ian James McCarthy, the man accused of fatally shooting Clinton Police Officer Gary Michael in 2017, began on Monday June 5th.

Officer Michael was killed August 6, 2017, after stopping a 2008 Dodge Nitro for a registration violation near the intersection of Green and 2nd St. 

The driver of that vehicle, McCarthy, allegedly stepped out of his vehicle into the street and shot Michael in the chest with a rifle, through his bulletproof vest.

McCarthy allegedly fled the scene of the shooting but crashed his vehicle near the scene of the shooting. He evaded arrest for two days, at which point he was taken into custody when a resident spotted McCarthy walking along the road and called 911.

The venue for the trial was changed from Henry County following a motion filed in September 2021. That motion was sustained, and the trial was scheduled for June of 2023 with voir dire of jury to be held in the Platte County Courthouse, with the opening statements and trial to be held in Jackson County.

McCarthy has remained in custody awaiting trial. A motion filed by his attorney to allow McCarthy to wear civilian clothing during the trial has been denied, and McCarthy will be required to wear partial restraints throughout the trial, although he will be allowed the use of his dominant hand to take notes during the trial.

On June 3rd, McCarthy’s attorneys filed a motion for mistrial or to strike the death penalty as an option in his case. McCarthy stands trial for three felony charges: Murder in the First Degree, Armed Criminal Action, and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, and unless the judge rules otherwise pursuant to this motion or a subsequent one, McCarthy potentially faces the death penalty if convicted. 

The next scheduled appearance in his trial takes place on Monday, June 12th.

Courtesy of KDKD Clinton 

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