Friday, July 14, 2023

Sheriff's Office spends the day at the Bates County Fair..

Sheriff's Office spends the day at the Bates County Fair.. 

What a great day at the fair to support the youth of Bates County! Today, members of the Bates County Sheriff’s Office volunteered to serve our youth lunch at the fair.

Shortly after, shenanigans broke out when we produced multiple water guns and started spraying the kids. 

But don’t worry we provided them with their very own water guns. To our surprise word was leaked of our intentions and the 4H kids showed up with buckets of water balloons!

Sheriff Anderson spent his night preparing the meat and also provided most of the water guns.

Later tonight the hard work of these kids will be on display at the fair sale. So please come out and help support our youth as they carry on the traditional way of our life in Bates County.

The Sheriff’s Office has a long history of supporting and investing in our youth and will continue to invest in our youth’s future.

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