Thursday, February 22, 2024

Butler moves on to District Championship Game

The Butler Bears were set to battle the Bulldogs from El Do in a rematch from earlier in the month that saw the Bears defeat the Bulldogs by 1. This time the stakes were higher, as the winner would move on to face the Adrian Blackhawks in the District Championship game on Saturday.

Both teams got off a sluggish start, finally Carter Trumbore would a launch a deep ball that would tickle the twine to trigger all scoring and gift the Bears an early 3-0 advantage. Ferguson would grab a put back basket, but immediately following, Trumbore would burry another triple to spark a 7-0 Bears run. Murry would line up a three for the Bulldogs, leading to a 7-0 run of their own to pull within 1. At the end of the first quarter, the Bears led 15-13.

El Dorado started the 2nd Period with the ball, and Ferguson hammered a three to take the Bulldogs first lead of the night. Turmbore would drive to the rack on the other end, and the back-and-forth would ensue. The Bears would find themselves on the wrong end of a 13-5 run, but would close out the quarter on a 4-0 run themselves and find themselves trailing by just 1 at the break, 31-30

Gordon triggered the scoring for the half, answered quickly by a driving Trumbore for the Bears. Trumbore’s basket would ignite a yet another basket exchange by both teams. After a tightly contested 3rd period, the Bulldogs would take a 43-41 lead into the final 8 minutes.

To begin the final period, Davidson scored for the Bears to tie the game up at 43-43 and spark a 7-2 Butler run that would see the Bears reclaim a 48-45 lead with right around 4 minutes left in regulation. Out of a Butler time-out, Murry would get fouled and go to the line for a chance to take the lead for El Do, he would go 1 of 2 and tie the game at 48-48. Trumbore would drive to the rack and reclaim a 2 point lead. Davidson went 1-2 from the line to extend the Bears lead to 3 with under 2 minutes left. After Murry fouled out of the game, Trumbore went back to the stripe and sunk a pair to take a 2 possession lead with just above 1 minute left. With under 30 seconds, Davidson would split a pair of free throws to take a 4 point 54-50 Butler lead. Jake Chandler would continue to stretch the lead, burying a pair of free throws, and the Bears would come out victorious 56-50.

Trumbore led all scoring with 32 points and 7 rebounds, 3 steals, and a pair of assists. Davidson recorded 12 points and 9 rebounds to go along with 3 blocks, while Chandler pitched in 9 points and 8 rebounds as well.

The Bulldogs were led by Ferguson with 17 points and 6 rebounds.

The Bears will go on to meet the Blackhawks in the district championship game on Saturday.

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-Courtesy of Cody Morris

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