Friday, February 2, 2024

State Farm Student Athlete of the month: Butler Senior Carter Trumbore

We are excited to announce our first winter Athlete of the Week, Carter Trumbore! Carter was nominated by Coach Dawson after breaking several school records. "Carter does a tremendous job of leading our team through his actions on and off the floor. I am very proud of the player and young adult he has become. He is very deserving of these accomplishments and I am excited to see what the future holds for him.

He is currently averaging 33 points per game while shooting 50% from the floor."

Carter has recently broke three of Butler’s school records. Against Holden he broke the record for career steals which was previously held by Kaleb Kaufman at 225 steals. He also broke the all time scoring record. This record was previously held by Zach Burch at 1,866 points. Moving forward in the season he broke the most points in a single game scoring 63 points. Jerry Clayton previously held this record with 50 points. Finally, Carter scored his 2000th career point in the Clinton tournament. Carter became the first person at Butler High to reach this milestone. Congratulations Carter, it was a pleasure speaking with you!

About Carter:
Carter is a senior at Butler High School. He is involved in basketball and track. We asked Carter what he believes it takes to become an elite athlete. He told us, "a lot of hard work and effort. It is about putting in the work when nobody is watching you. It’s the hours you spend working outside of practice. You have to find the drive and dedication to want to continue to better yourself." The most influential people in Carter’s athletic career is his parents. 

Carter explained they have given him endless support and constantly push him to be the best version of himself.
•Favorite sport: Basketball
•Favorite sports memory: the Hogan Prep game his freshman year.

Carter made the shot to tie the game and bring it into overtime. His team then won the game in OT by a buzzer beater. He said the atmosphere was really good with a great student section
•Favorite sonic drink: Strawberry lemonade

Carter is undecided on a college, but wishes to continue his academic and athletic career. His plan is to major in Business. We wish Carter and the Bears the best of luck as they face Leeton tonight in Butler!

*Each week the athlete is awarded with a certificate and a gift card to Sonic. Each Athlete of the Week will be considered for one $500 scholarship which will be awarded in May.

Pictured left to right: Kellie Davidson, State Farm; Head Coach, Joshua Dawson; Carter Trumbore, son of Troy and Leigh Trumbore; Baylie Pitts, State Farm.

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