Friday, February 23, 2024

State Farm Student Athlete of the week: Butler Sophomore Kellen Long

We are thrilled to announce this week's Athlete of the Week, Kellen Long! Kellen was nominated by Coach Long who stated, “he was the State Runner up for Class 1 at the weight class 150. 

His final record on the year was 51-3. He is a captain on our team as a sophomore and is also a leader in the classroom. Congratulations Kellen, it was a pleasure speaking with you!

About Kellen:
Kellen is a sophomore at Butler High School. He is involved in football and wrestling. We asked Kellen what he believes it takes to become an elite athlete. He told us, "it is about putting effort into everything you do. Also, just be supportive to your teammates and the others around you.”

•Favorite sport: Wrestling

•Who inspires him: “My dad, Dale Long. He knows how good I can be and he always pushes me to those limits. He makes me do my best all of the time.”

•Favorite sports memory: This year, making it to the state finals.

•Favorite sonic drink: Dr. Pepper

Congratulations on a second place finish at state that is an amazing accomplishment!

*Each week the athlete is awarded with a certificate and a gift card to Sonic. Each Athlete of the Week will be considered for one $500 scholarship which will be awarded in May.

Pictured left to right: Head Coach, Dale Long; Kellen Long, son of Dale and Lindsey Long; Baylie Pitts, State Farm; Kellie Davidson, State Farm.

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