Sunday, April 7, 2024

Dear Friends of Adrian United Methodist Church

Dear Friends of Adrian United Methodist Church,

With mixed emotions, we share some significant news. Our family has been called to serve as the Senior Pastor of North Cross United Methodist Church, and we'll be relocating in July.

These past five years in Adrian have been filled with immense joy and blessings, and the decision to leave wasn't easy.

We've grown deeply attached to this community, and bidding farewell is tough. Our hearts will always carry fond memories of our time here.

We've penned a letter expressing our gratitude and love to our faithful friends in Adrian. Know that you'll forever hold a special place in our hearts.

Thank you for your unwavering support and love. Let's cherish the time we have left together.

In Christ’s Love and Service,
Chris, Becky, Lauren and Cooper Sams

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