Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Local program helps those who want to help themselves


When a person seeks advice or help, we naturally go to someone who knows something about it. Gordon Sixkiller, who hosts his Abundant Life Recovery program each week at the Ohio street Methodist Church, has been down that road and now uses his faith based recovery program to help others stay clean as well.

Sixkiller endured some 20 surgeries that resulted in an addiction to painkillers and eventually alcohol; he realized there had to be a better life and using a 12 step, faith based recovery program was just the ticket.

Integrating scripture into the 12 step program has proven to be quite successful, giving Sixkiller all the tools needed to help others break the cycle that addiction brings. This includes dependency, depression and lack of motivation- all that can be solved by taking one baby step at a time through the program.

Sixkiller says one very important aspect of the program is anonymity. All information and identity of attendees is kept strictly confidential which is instrumental for success. He also provides 24/7 service and says “helping others stay sober helps him stay sober” thus benefiting everyone involved.

The group meets at 7 pm Saturday evenings at the Ohio street Methodist Church located at 205 W. Ohio street in Butler and rides are available. He urges anyone who is even just thinking about getting sober to call him for a no obligation consult at 660-464-4476 and consider working toward a better life through the Abundant Life Recovery program.

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