Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Report from the Bates County Commission


July 8, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

John Gray met with the Commission.  He stated that there are a couple of things that need to stop.  He has been a resident of Bates County for 30 years.  He is about God, family and his country.  He is not a politician.  John said he was tired of complaining and hearing complaints, so he decided to run for office.  Chad Anderson did not pick him to run but he would be honored if Chad did.  Chad never asked him to run.  John has been slandered online and lied about.  He had a personal friend’s business attacked just because he had a sign in front of his desk.  John stated that all of this has come from the Mooney family.  John has a good Attorney.  Ken said it is not him.  John said that he doesn’t do that.  He will not and has not done that to Ken nor will his children.  John said he would like to see it stopped.  He said the race was between Ken and himself.  The race is about Bates County.  John said he would appreciate it if the slander and mudslinging would stop.  He said the Commission was the big reason he ran.  The Commission could take the credit for it.  Jim asked John what he was hearing about the Commission.  John said slander, money was missing and complaints about roads and bridges.  Jim asked John what money and John didn’t know.  Jim said that there is no money missing.  The Auditors can’t find anything.  Jim said that they hear things too.  The books are open, and people can come and ask to see it.  They are transparent.  Jim also said that they have no control over the roads.  Ken said they are trying to help the Townships more.  Jim told John if he hears anything or finds something that is not done right to let them know.

Charles Rush came in with an update on the Health Insurance for County Employees. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of K.C. is showing a 5.9% increase for this year. This is the lowest rate of insurance of any of the companies they have talked to. 

Ken made the motion to continue with Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Trent Seconded the motion. All voted yes. No Opposition. Motion passed. 

The Commission voted on giving the rest of the ARPA out as follows. Trent made the motion to give $45,453.22 for the City of Rockville’s sewer and water project as per their application. Ken made the motion to give $16,115.00 to the Butler Food Pantry for a walk-in freezer per their application. Jim seconded both motions. All voted yes. No opposition. Motion passed.

July 10, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

Jim attended the Region A EMA meeting at several intervals throughout the day. Jim had an MAC Agricultural / Environmental Committee phone meeting yesterday that was canceled. The Commission listened in on the MAC Policing / Justice / Mental Health Committee meeting that Jim was asked to still be a part of by the current Chair.

Jim Woolace, a Lone Oak Township resident in the Rattlesnake Hill area, came in to check on the status of the roads being accepted by MoDOT. The request and requirements have been submitted. There is a delay on the roads being officially adopted due to MoDOT’s work schedule. Nothing is scheduled to be done till October. Mr. Woolace stated that the condition of the road has deteriorated to the point that the trash company has refused to travel down to receive the trash at his property. Ken stated that whether the road is officially accepted or not the property owners are paying their taxes that goes to the townships for road maintenance. Trent called Elliott Smalley, Lone Oak Township Board member, and asked him about checking out the road. Trent stated he would go check the road out himself. Trent said he could follow Mr. Woolace out there to look. Mr. Woolace stated he had to get back to work. Later in the day the Commission had Ivan Schraeder, attorney on the phone, with Jim Woolace, and Lone Oak Township Board Members Jalyn Watson and Hunter Watson.  The Township working on the roads as they are puts a liability on them. At this point these are public use roads owned by individual property owners. Until the County has ownership of all the land that form the roads from the property owners, they are not able to be county roads and therefore not eligible for MoDOT acceptance. The owners would have to agree to donate that part of their property to the county. Property lines and titles would have to be re-done. Or the owners could form a co-op to maintain the roads. Collectively donating the money and contracting anyone to repair and or maintain. Without this at any point any one of the owners could decide what has been allowed would not be in their interest and possibly seek legal action. The Commission will have to decide on how to proceed towards which end. A meeting of all the owners of property in that area would need to be held. Hunter had questioned the mileage of the township he is showing theirs to be 33.5 miles where the county is stating 30.

Work In Progress

Policy Regarding Indigent Cremations given 8/25/2023

Policy Regarding Computer, E-Mail, Devices and Social Media given 2/14/2024

Bid for Hallway lights given 2/14/2024

Telephone Contracts 3/11/2024 

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