Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Meet the candidates on the Bates county ballot


Mid America Live News offered all local candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves in 500 words or less regarding the August primary election. Statements are shown in no particular order:

Trent Nelson
Incumbent, Southern Commissioner

I’m Trent Nelson, the current Southern Commissioner for Bates County. I have lived in Rich Hill Missouri my entire life.

I have been available 7 days a week/24 hours a day as your Southern Commissioner for the last three plus years.

I have listened to your questions  and concerns and worked to find solutions to those as well.

With the other Commissioners, I have worked to assist and help every citizen in Bates County. It has been an honor to work for YOU the citizens of Bates County. I am a registered Republican and was “Vetted” to be on the ballot to get your support and continue you serve YOU.

John Gray

Candidate for Northern Commissioner 

I am a 30-year Bates County resident with my wife of 39 years and have been blessed with 2 incredible grandchildren. I believe in God, family, country and in that order.

I look forward to the opportunity to serve the citizens of Bates County, if elected. I will put the needs of the citizens first. I will strive to work to the best of my ability with all elected officials of Bates County building a strong, well-communicated commissioner’s office with open doors and welcoming ears to listen to citizen’s concerns. Roads and bridges are always a huge topic. I will work with the township board members so we can address concerns they have about the condition and safety of our roads our families travel on a daily basis.

I will work with commissioners to keep our county budget where it needs to be and proper funding put in the proper places. I will work alongside our county, city , and state law enforcement who provide safety in our county and town.  I will work with our hospital, fire, EMS, and all first responders, including the amazing volunteers.

I have hear the comments and concerns of my supporters and other’s legitimate concerns about our county and where it is heading. I have told many I am not a politician, I just decided to quit complaining  and try to be a part of the solution. With that being said, I will do my absolute best. If we want change in Bates County, we have to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. I look forward to seeing you at the polls August 6. I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve my county.

Thank you and God Bless Bates County! John Gray (Mountain Man) Republican Candidate, Northern Commissioner.

Doug Lawrence

Candidate for Southern Commissioner

My name is Doug Lawrence. I am currently running for Southern Commissioner of Bates County. I am humbly seeking your vote in the Aug. 6, 2024 Republican Primary Election. This Primary will determine your county government.

I am a life long resident of Bates County. I am currently Vice-President of Butler School Board and President of the Butler Chamber of Commerce. I serve as a Deacon at Immanuel Baptist Church. I own Prepcast KCMW, a High School sports broadcast streaming service.

It has been my experience that most conflict is a product of miscommunication. The biggest conflict I see, is one-way conversation - not listening, only talking, or vice versa. When clear communication is a goal of both parties, a solution can almost always be reached.

“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a person who listens to counsel is wise.” Prov12:15

The most asked question I get is, “What are you going to do about the roads?”. Under the current Township Model, the Commissioners do not deal with road maintenance. That falls on the Township Trustee and their Board Members. Some say “abolish the townships”. Others say “consolidate the townships”. Few say, “tax us more”. But we can all agree that it can’t keep going the way it is now. The answer is out there. We have to sit down, COMMUNICATE together, and figure it out.

I also believe that Economic Development is a vital part of generating more income for Bates County. We need industry. We need jobs. We need more commerce. We need reasons for people to want to move into Bates County, and we need reasons for our youth to want to stay!

There are numerous programs and individuals whose purpose is to attain economic and community development through grants and other resources. Our County Commissioners need to tap in to those resources. I would like to put together an outstanding Economic Development Team made up of the Commissioners, City Mayors, State Reps, students, and progressive minded citizens.

Bates County is a community of 17,000 people working toward a common goal! Too often it has been this town vs. that town. When we get the COUNTY right, our TOWNS will THRIVE!

I like change. Change usually means something better is coming. It also means more responsibility will be put on the Commissioners. If elected, I look forward to serving you and meeting these new challenges. I will always be honest and up front with the you, the Citizens of Bates County.

Follow me on Facebook: Doug Lawrence for Southern Commissioner Bates County Email: I want to hear from you.

On a side note- Politics can be messy. People can say derogatory things about you and even try to slander your good name. But that type of behavior only makes my desire to win even greater. Please reach out to if you have any questions or concerns about me or things you have heard. Again, honest and transparent communication is key.

Kacie Robey

Candidate for Collector/Treasurer

My name is Kacie Robey formerly Kacie Rice and I’m running for the position of County Collector/Treasurer.  I grew up in Bates Co. and attended both Butler and Ballard School Districts.  I married Doug Robey of Adrian and we have two kids Zayne and Bryleigh.  Sadly we lost Doug to cancer in 2021.  I also have numerous family members in Bates County.

When I started in 2003 at the age of 19 we were still under township collection.  I was fortunate to be involved in the transition to county collection.  When I started my boss told me we don’t make a product here all we have is customer service.  We treat everyone with respect no matter who it is or what they do.  I took that to heart and we have practiced that in our office.  I’m very proud of what we do and how we do it.  My goal is to make it better if any way possible.  A lot of what we do is problem solving and I believe I have became good at it.  There has been many changes in Bates County over the years to name a few, online licensing of vehicles, electronic payments by debit and credit cards, and online verification of paid taxes in the license bureau.  I expect there to be many more changes and I’m excited to be present to help facilitate these changes.

In Bates County the Collector is also the Treasurer.  As Treasurer I will be managing 36 separate funds and 3 bank accounts along with investments.  I’m looking forward to the challenge. I would appreciate your vote on August 6th in the primary and again on November 5th in the general election.

Ken Mooney

Incumbent, Northern Commissioner

Ken Mooney is a lifelong resident of Bates County. He believes in helping your neighbors and through hard work anything is possible. Ken is seeking a second term for Northern Commissioner.

With the primary election quickly approaching I would like to take some time to reflect on how far we have came over the last 4 years. I took office in January of 2021. We were still in the middle of the Covid pandemic and learning to navigate the new daily norms. With Covid minor issues became major issues for our communities. We designated monies to the rural water districts, food pantries, and fire departments. Then came other county facilities that needed updates. The fairgrounds needed updates and improvements. Not only is it used by the 4H kids, for meetings, and many other activities.

In addition to the above the southern commissioner and I worked together to solve the issue of water in the courthouse basement. Our knowledge of construction, a little time, and supplies we did not request reimbursement for we were able to temporarily fix the main cause in a couple of hours. We then hired a company to come in and permanently repair the issues. A second company made sure no mold or mildew would be able to make the space unusable again. Space once unusable has now been water free for almost 4 years.

I know during my first term some of you have felt I was unfair in my decision making. I believe decisions should be made based on the county as a whole and not a select few. Our county is not a large nor rich county and therefore has different needs than surrounding counties.

In my time with the county I have gained a new perspective on many of the citizens needs. But maybe I’ve missed some things or you have suggestions on how things could be done differently. I would be more than happy to listen and see if we can come to a resolution. My goal is to get the most return out of your tax dollars!! I appreciate your vote!

Kent Fletcher

Candidate for Southern Commissioner

Hello, I’m Kent Fletcher, and I am honored to announce my candidacy for Southern Commissioner. 

I reside on a cattle farm in Southwest Bates County. I am a proud graduate of Rich Hill High School; I am also a dedicated coach for Junior High and High School Football. As the owner of Fletcher Farms Rock and Dirt, I understand the importance of hard work, economic growth, and supporting local businesses.

My background includes hands-on experience working with multiple townships and asphalt companies, giving me a strong grasp of what it takes to maintain and improve our roads effectively. I am well-versed in operating road graders and heavy equipment, which equips me to address our county’s infrastructure needs with competence and efficiency. Additionally, I served as Fire Chief for the Foster Volunteer Fire Department for several years and have volunteered countless hours in youth sports and community programs.

I am deeply committed to family values and believe that a strong community is built on a foundation of solid family principles. My vision as Southern Commissioner is to implement policies that support our infrastructures, county finances, families and foster a thriving, united community.

Goals and Commitment as Southern Commissioner:

Stop the Abolishment of Townships and Strengthen Local Governance: I will stand firmly against efforts to abolish townships, advocating for the preservation and enhancement of our local governance structures while keeping taxes manageable for Bates County residents.

Improve Township Efficiency and Enhance Operations: My focus will be on enhancing township operations and improving efficiency to ensure that our townships are well-managed and effectively meet the needs of our community. 

Enhance Road Maintenance and Safety: Drawing on my experience with road graders and heavy equipment, I am committed to working with our township boards to maintain and improve our roads, ensuring they are safe, durable, and meet the needs of our residents.

Support Local Businesses and Foster Economic Growth: I aim to support local businesses and promote economic growth, creating opportunities for new ventures and strengthening our local economy.

My campaign is driven by a straightforward goal: to improve our city streets and county roads, making them safer and more accessible for all and to ensure county funds are well diversified.   With your support, I am ready to bring my experience, dedication, and vision to the role of Southern Commissioner.

I am proud to be endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 50, a testament to my commitment to supporting our law enforcement professionals and ensuring our communities are safe.

My door is always open for your questions, comments, or concerns. Feel free to reach out at 660-227-9294.

Together, let’s pave the way for a brighter future for Bates County! I humbly ask for your vote on August 6th to elect me, Kent Fletcher, as your Southern Commissioner.

Vote Kent Fletcher for Southern Commissioner on August 6th on the Republican Ballot.

Sherri Gallick

Incumbent, State Rep. District 62

I am State Representative Sherri Gallick from District 62, and I am seeking reelection this year. When I ran for office in 2022, many constituents expressed that they did not know who their representative was. This did not sit well with me. I ran to make a difference and have kept my promise. While I am a conservative, I believe that once elected, you represent all the people in your district. With my business background, I am committed to following through. If someone calls my office needing assistance, I do everything I can to help.

In the past two sessions, I sponsored one bill that is now law and one that will be implemented soon. The Governor has signed Blair’s Law, and the DESE Commissioner has committed to implementing my AED bill plan for schools. I am also proud to say I have cosponsored many other bills and will mention a few. Thanks to the Movie Tax Credit bill, Missouri is now attracting film production that previously went to states like Oklahoma, Georgia, and even other countries like Canada. I am pleased to announce that Hallmark is now filming a movie in Missouri that will air after Thanksgiving. The MOBUCKS program provides farmers with low-interest loans to support and grow their businesses, ensuring the sustainability of farming. Additionally, HB1751 has successfully prevented the development of a landfill on the Cass-KC border that would have disrupted residential areas. Furthermore, if you drive on 150 Highway off 71/49, you will see the expansion of the National Nuclear Security Campus. This project brings thousands of high-paying jobs and utilizes local contractors instead of federal contracts.

My priorities have remained consistent: Crime & Public Safety, Education, Agriculture, and Economic Development. Community safety is paramount, as everything else suffers without it. One of my priority bills from 2024 required age verification for online pornography. Unfortunately, it did not pass last year, but I will refile it in 2025. Children should NOT be exposed to pornography, which can lead to grooming, coercion, extortion, and blackmail into sex trafficking.

In 2023, I was honored to receive the Missouri Chamber of Commerce Freshman of the Year award and a Courage Award from the Missouri Cattlemen Association. I am currently the Co-Chair of the Women’s Legislative Scholarship and serve as the liaison for the KC Mo Chamber of Commerce. I am supported by Missouri Corn Growers, Missouri Pork Producers, and the Missouri Soybean Association. I am also proud to be endorsed by the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, MO Fraternal Order of Police, KCPD, Mizzou Flagship Council, Missouri Chamber of Commerce, National Federation of Independent Businesses, NRA, Missouri State Teachers Association, Better Schools for Missouri, and Missouri Right to Life.

I ask for your support and your vote, and as always, if there is an issue and I can help, do not hesitate to contact my office 573-751-1344. 

Mike Haffner

Candidate, Mo Senate District 31

As a lifelong conservative, I am running for Missouri State Senate District 31. I am a  combat veteran, farmer, and champion for conservative values, and I currently represent Cass County (District 55) in the Missouri House.

Missouri needs bold conservative leadership that is tested, trusted, and proven. The Missouri Senate is dysfunctional and on the brink of a dangerous political precipice, if we do not start standing behind and working together for our conservative values. 

There is a war raging around us by far left progressives who are attacking our freedoms. Additionally, we have too many republicans that hide behind the label of conservatism in public, but their actions are very different behind closed doors. These career politicians are far more concerned with their next step on the political ladder than championing the conservative agenda. This lack of integrity must be confronted. As a lifelong and battle-tested conservative, I know how to fight, and win. I’ve done it in combat and in Jefferson City.

In one of our nation’s darkest hours, I was on the front lines defending our country. Following the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, I led combat air patrols from the deck of the USS George Washington (CVN-73) as my F/A-18 Hornet Squadron defended the skies over New York City. 

As a decorated and career Naval Officer, I was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, four individual Air Medals, five Strike Flight Air Medals, and three Navy Commendation Medals for bold initiative, uncommon valor and loyal devotion to duty in direct combat.

Currently, I serve as Chairman of the Agriculture Policy Committee, Vice-Chairman of Rules Regulatory Oversight Committee and I hold key roles on Joint Committee on Education, Elementary and Secondary Education Committee and Emerging Issues Committee. 

During my time in the legislature, I have earned a reputation as an authentic conservative with a track record of delivering results. I have received numerous legislative awards including: Missouri Soybeans Legislator of the Year, Association of Missouri Cooperatives Legislative Leadership Award, Missouri Cattlemen Legislator of the Year, Missouri Cattlemen Legislative Courage Award, Missouri Corn Growers Friend of Corn Award, Missouri Corn Growers Public Servant Award, as well as Missouri Farm Bureau Friend of Agriculture Award. My broad range of sponsored legislation including right-to-life, agriculture, utilities, military and veteran’s affairs, law enforcement, and education reform bills have not only defined my priorities, but have proven my legislative ability to address problems with commonsense solutions that work for Missourians. 

I have been endorsed by the Missouri Farm Bureau and Missouri Cattlemen.

Since I retired from military service, I have owned and managed our Christmas Tree Farm, employing thirty people and adding important jobs to our agriculture sector and Missouri’s number one industry.

I am a lifetime member of the VFW, a member of the NRA, and an elder on sabbatical at Cornerstone Community Church in Harrisonville. My wife Teresa and I have been married 36 years, we reside in Pleasant Hill. We have three children, two daughters-in-law, a son-in-law, and eight grandchildren. 

The following are candidates who will appear on the Bates County ballot but did not submit essays

Republican Party

For U.S. Senator

Josh Hawley

For Governor

Darrell Leon McClanahan III

Jeremy Gundel

Bill Eigel

Robert James Olson

John R. (Jay) Ashcroft

Mike Kehoe

Chris Wright

Darren L. Grant

Amber Thomsen

For Lieutenant Governor

Holly Rehder

Dave Wasinger

Lincoln Hough

Paul Berry III

Tim Baker

Matthew E. Porter

For Secretary of State

Valentina Gomez

Shane Schoeller

Denny Hoskins

Adam J. Schwadron

Jamie Corley

Dean Plocher

Mary Elizabeth Coleman

Mike Carter

For State Treasurer

Cody Smith,

Andrew Koenig

Lori Rook

Vivek Malek

Tina Goodrick

Karan Pujji

For Attorney General

Will Scharf

Andrew Bailey

For U.S. Representative

Mark Alford

State Senator

Rick Brattin

Michael Haffner

Dan Houx

For State Representative (District 125)

Dane Diehl

For Circuit Judge

M. Brandon Baker 

For Bates County Sheriff

Chad Anderson

For Bates County Assessor

Carl Bettels 

For Bates County Coroner

Jerret Jay Reno

For Bates County Public Administrator

Brenda G. Doody 

For Township Committeeman and Committeewoman


Kent Page

Grand River: 

David Hubbard

Connie Pruden

Deer Creek: 

Tyler Bohannon

Jennifer Renee Rusow Murphy

Meghan Robbins

East Boone: 

Justin G. Corbin

Jonathan Barrett

Amy Fishbaugh

West Boone: 

Alicia Clayton

West Point: 

Bradley Brooks

Vicky Vail

Teresa Brooks


Tyler Covington

Harlan Hockett

Susan Hockett

Elizabeth A. Chancellor


James Catron

Chad Anderson

Donna Catron

Courtney Anderson


Mark Goebel


Jessie Porter

Andrea Galloway,

Mt. Pleasant: 

Gary Ratliff

Jesse Murray

Jami Page

Lynne Olson-Salomon


A. Dale Newkirk

Patricia Newkirk


Blaine Baldwin

Don Trelease

Jacie Lynn Warren

Marleah Trelease

Pleasant Gap: 

Jason Rosier

August Dean Fischer

Kathie D. Fischer


Jeff Fischer

Sheila Fischer


Timothy C. Thorp

Trent Nelson

Janet Nelson


Donald Rice

Ruth Rice

Democratic Party

For U.S. Senator

Karla May

December L. Harmon

Lucas Kunce

Mita Biswas

For Governor

Eric Morrison

Crystal Quade

Sheryl Gladney

Hollis L. Laster

Mike Hamra

For Lieutenant Governor

Richard Brown

Anastasia Syes

For Secretary of State

Monique Williams

Barbara Phifer

Haley Jacobson

For State Treasurer

Mark Osmack

For Attorney General

Elad Jonathan Gross

For U.S. Representative

Jeanette Cass,

Mike McCaffree

For State Senator

Raymond L. James

For State Representative (District 125)

Lynda Jones

For Bates County Surveyor

William C. Lethcho

Libertarian Party 

For U.S. Senator

W.C. Young

For Governor

Bill Slantz

For Lieutenant Governor

Ken Iverson

For Secretary of State

Carl Herman Freese

For State Treasurer

John A. Hartwig

For Attorney General

Ryan L. Munro

For U.S. Representative

Thomas Holbrook

NOTE- detailed explanations for Amendment 1 and Amendment 4 will be provided in upcoming news posts.

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