Monday, August 19, 2024

Report from the Bates County Commission

July 15, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Ken left at 11:30 for personal appointments.

The Commission held the Board of Equalization Hearings for anyone not agreeing with their property valuations.

July 17, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Jim had to leave at 11:45 for Butler PD Dispatch.

Lynn Cox with Mound Township came in to follow up on the road damage sent to the state. She was concerned about not hearing anything for months then being told by Dennis Jacobs that there was no money coming. They had only been given one day notice that it needed to be reported. With such urgency placed on this they called out someone to give a bid on the weekend for the damage repair to the roads. They didn’t even pay for the bid as they were waiting for the money. She states all the gravel was pulled down into the ditches and drainage culverts. She was concerned with having to ask about the situation and not being told of the results sooner. She states they have spent on this half a year more than all last year. Jim stated that there was not enough damage reported by the other counties. The state needed to have 3 million in damages. Our county alone had $500,000.00. Jim stated this commission watches for this stuff other Commissions do not. Jim further states she could contact SEMA directly on the damage. Lynn asked Ken if he ever went and looked at the damage or took pictures. He stated he did not. She also stated it was one of the things he stated when running for office that he would look at every road. He hasn’t even attended any of their meetings. Jim asked if the meetings were posted for the public. She stated that they were posted at McBees as all the other local meetings were and that they had told Ken when and where the meetings were. The third week of every month on Tuesday at the church in Passaic. Jim stated SEMA dropped the ball. Lynn asked if they had received the road groomers they ordered and if they would pull the gravel from the ditches. One has just been delivered another is on order. There was a need for new tractors to pull them as well. They are in the process of ordering the tractors. However, they will not recover the gravel out of the ditches. She stated there was a piece of equipment the county had purchased 40 years ago maybe, when Gloria Pyatt was in office, that recovered the gravel from the ditches. Jim asked if her grader had tried to pull it. She stated the grader cannot do that. They were quoted the need for a backhoe. Jim stated that they could invert the blade to pull the gravel. Ken stated that would pull the mud and everything. She again stated they were told only a backhoe would work. She further states they would need to get into the drainage ditches to pull it out. Jim stated they would need to get a DNR permit to do that. Once the gravel is in the ditches DNR sees it as theirs. Lynn stated respectfully the township is disappointed. Jim stated how do you think we feel about not getting any help from the state.

Austin Hostettler, Lindsey Chaffin and Zachary Olivas with Great River Engineering brought in a update on TAP-9901(456) Courthouse Sidewalk Improvements and BRO-23 supplemental agreements to be signed. Ken, Austin, Lindsey and Zachary walked the courthouse plans to ensure the points on the survey and all objectives are met.

Work In Progress

Policy Regarding Indigent Cremations given 8/25/2023

Policy Regarding Computer, E-Mail, Devices and Social Media given 2/14/2024

Bid for Hallway lights given 2/14/2024

Telephone Contracts 3/11/2024

Township Contracts not completed South Hudson Special and Cornland Special. Township Contracts not received New Home.

July 22, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present. Presiding Commissioner was absent the second half of the day for Butler PD Dispatch. Ken went to look at Road 4501, 13002 and a culvert. Trent went to Howard Township to look at 2 culverts and a low water bridge.

** Meeting attended on a non-scheduled workday. Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley attended the Kaysinger Basin and MoDOT TAC Meeting on Thursday July 18th. Then a Kaysinger Basin Full Board meeting in the afternoon.

July 24, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

Approve bills.

Amend Budget hearing. The County Clerk Jami Page brought in an amendment to the 2024 budget from the Recorder’s Office. They received a grant for microfilming records totaling $7,908.00. This would leave an overage and the budget had to be amended. The amendment needs to be accepted, signed and sent to the State Auditor’s office. Trent made the motion to accept the Amendment. Ken seconded. All voted yes. No opposition. Motion carried.

The Commission missed the zoom meeting for the Finance and Audit Work Force Development meeting.

They did attend the afternoon zoom Full Board Meeting in the afternoon.

The Commission worked on a bid request for the courthouse roof. This should be ready to post soon.

Work In Progress

Policy Regarding Indigent Cremations given 8/25/2023

Policy Regarding Computer, E-Mail, Devices and Social Media given 2/14/2024

Bid for Hallway lights given 2/14/2024

Telephone Contracts 3/11/2024

Township Contracts not completed South Hudson Special and Cornland Special.

Township Contracts not received New Home.

Township Contracts for CART Money is mailed out in January and due back to by March 15th. The Rock Tickets are due July 15th.

July 29, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

Phil Tearney with Continental Coal Mine brought in a road variance they need for continued mining of coal in the Hume / Foster area. This will allow them to get closer to the right aways. He already has the Walnut Township approval. This is a sustainable industry over the next 10 years or better. There is a steady supply and demand from the cement industry. Ken made the motion to accept the road variance request from Continental Coal. Trent seconded the motion. All voted yes. No opposition. Motion carried.

July 31, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

Jessica with Butler Abstract brought in Steve Kiger with a late tax penalty issue. Jessica had brought in the documents showing the 2 different blocks with the same lot numbers. He sold a property in 2023 on lot 7 & 8 in Rich Hill. However, when it was input in the assessor’s office the property owner and address were recorded as a different property of a lot 7 & 8 in a different block which he also owns. It was recorded correctly on the title and in the Recorder’s office. As a result, Mr. Kiger never received the tax bill. Therefore, when he came in to pay his taxes it was not listed in his name to be paid. The late tax penalty was a result of a clerical error in the Assessor’s office. Jim questioned how it changed. Jessica pointed out how the lots are the same but in 2 different blocks with the printout of the two blocks. The error has been corrected in GIS and in the assessor’s data.

Trent made the motion to waived the late penalty that was sent to the wrong address and individual. Ken seconded the motion. All voted yes. Motion carried. No opposition. The Collector Treasurer and The Commission worked on the different aspects of adopting SB190 and SB756 relating to property tax relief for seniors.

August 5, 2024 The Bates County Commission met with Presiding Commissioner Jim Wheatley, Northern Commissioner Ken Mooney and Southern Commissioner Trent Nelson present.

Santiago Garza with All Land Services came in representing Samsung Renewables. Samsung is looking at our county to place a Solar Field Project. There are 2 spots that look optimal for the 1072 acres they are wanting. One is in Urich the other in Archie. They have started favorable conversations with one owner. Jim asked if they were reclaimed from mining land or virginal land. Mr. Garza stated he was not sure but reclaimed land would be preferrable as it takes time for the land to become usable again after mining. They are looking for continuous acreage. One owner preferably. They offer a minimal 7-year conditional payout with start-up. Earnest money starts when construction begins. This footprint would include a 10-to-16-acre battery storage field for even distribution to the power grid during uneven production stages. This portion of the land would be purchased and not returned to the owner at the end of the lease. Samsung is respectable of the local emotions towards solar and will not go forward if not favorable. They will have community education and reaction meetings before starting. Samsung was scheduled to come with Mr. Garza today but had other obligations arise. Trent asked if they have considered Rich Hill area. Mr. Garza asked if the area was in a flood plain. Trent said most of the southern half of Bates County was a flood plain. Jim stated there were no regulations in the county and he did not want them, but they were a better option than wind energy. Ken stated the same. Jim also mentioned there were issues with the taxation on the solar fields. The state has not decided who is to pay the taxes, the leasee or the land owner. Jim also stated he is on the AG committee with the Missouri Association of Commissioners. They have discussed the Companies being responsible for the taxes. Jim mentioned that there were several state leaders that are wanting to get rid of the taxes both personal and property. This would lead to counties with no way to run the local government or help the local people. Jim stated the only thing to consider is a road agreement. Which we have with one company already in a different area. Mr. Garza asked if the Commission would like Samsung to visit with them. Jim said yes. Mr. Garza said it would be sometime after Labor Day.

Carla O’Brien and Jim Fritz with Kiwanis International came in to introduce the organization to the Commission and let them know of an intent to start in Bates County. Mike and Lee Ann Kershner have experience with the organization and are wanting this opportunity for citizens in our area. There are several clubs to choose from, i.e. age-appropriate kids clubs, disability clubs, adult clubs, in the organization with capabilities to reach out to other clubs in the region. These clubs are member driven with the support from one advisor from the organization and one from the community. This gives the local citizens a way to develop social, philanthropic as well as leadership skills. The Commission was in support and signed a letter indicating so.

Jody and Ross Hill came in to discuss the roads around her property. When she purchased the property in Maria Estates Deer Creek Township, mid 2000, with her ex-husband there were 2 passable, named roads to the back 3 acres. They were under the impression that these roads were maintained county roads. She was given the back 3 acres from the divorce decree with the option to pay on the contract if her ex was unable to do so. The contract is a landowner lease. The property currently shows owned by the Klumb Trust. Her daughter needs to put a modular home on the property, and they discovered the roads are not navigable. She is questioning why the roads are not being maintained. She stated that she has the original contract with a map that shows the named roads. Jim explained that the roads were put in by the developer and not turned into the legal roads for the county. Roads must be built to specs and then documented to MoDOT to be accepted and approved. This allows for county acceptance and maintenance to be turned over to the township. Jim showed her the current GIS map showing the area and roads. They are not county roads. Just public use roads put in by a private developer. Jim explained that she would need to seek legal counsel on the contract part. Looking on the map as to the property access Jim pointed out that Osage Valley would have to make a road to put in her electricity drop so they would have to clear it then she would have her access. Possibly coming off her Ex-husband’s drive. The Commissioners went on to show her how the property is showing under the Klumb Trust currently. It was found out that they just changed it over to their names within the last few weeks.


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