Lesmeister, Gracee to Lesmeister, Karson Str 21-41-31 //Sw
Lanes, James E to Osage Prairie Young Men's Christian Assocation Inc Str 27-40-31
Kepley, Dillon W to Krantz, Marc Str 22-40-31 //Sw
Pike Rental Properties, LLC to Derry, Woodrow C. Lt 15 Huston's Addn+
Fuelcity, LLC to Baig, Shukrullah Bl 2 Wyatt's First Addn
Lundquist, Gregory (Trustee) to Lundquist, Gregory Str 26-42-32 //Ne
Marriage license
Demoss, Nathan Michael and Wisdom, Breann Renee
Elder, Zachary Sabin and Campos, Ashley Marie