Thursday, November 12, 2020

Drexel city council meeting minutes

Unofficial Minutes from the November 9, 2020 Meeting

Mayor Mayfield called the Regular meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the Drexel City Hall.
Citizen’s Present: Bart Downing – Alliance Water Resources, Travis Evans & Wiley Conor – People Service, David Still and Joe McKellips.

City Staff present were: Chief Forrest Routen, Crystal Routen-People Service Inc., Meghan Rhines – Assistant Clerk, and Patty Dreher-City Clerk. 

Roll call was taken Mayor Mayfield – present, Mayor Pro Tem Crawford – present, Alderman Eastwood – present, Alderman Deal - present, and Alderman Harris – present.

Mayor Pro Tem Crawford made a motion to approve the Agenda; it was 2nd by Alderman Eastwood, with no more discussion the motion passed with a 4-0 vote of the Board.

Bart Downing with Alliance Water Resources was here again to talk to the Board about the water/wastewater & public works, with a new proposal with have 2 Full time personal and 1 part time Supervisor. The Board said that they would discuss it later and get back with them soon.

Alderman Deal made a motion to approve the minutes; it was 2nd by Mayor Pro Tem Crawford, with no more discussion the motion passed with a 4-0 vote of the Board.

Special Reports were discussed: (Can be seen at City Hall),
City Clerk:

Police Department: Chief Routen informed the Board that Cass County is making it mandator that all cars that they dispatch to have to a GPS system installed in their cars. It will cost the City $50.00 a year which will include training on the system and continuous education. Chief Routen explained the we would need to get the software that can be put onto his lab top (that was purchased this year) to avoid buying a new tablet. Also needed would be another Wi-Fi hot spot and an antenna. 

Public Works Report:
Warrants: Mayor Pro Tem Crawford made a motion to approve all warrants; it was 2nd by Alderman Harris, with no more discussion the motion passed with a 4-0 vote of the Board.

Building Permits:
Mayor Pro Tem Crawford made a motion to approve the building permit for David Still - house; it was 2nd by Alderman Deal, with no more discussion the motion passed with a 4-0 vote of the Board.
Old Business:
New Business: 

Alderman Eastwood motion to move forward in purchasing another Wi-fi hot spot from Verizon; it was 2nd by Alderman Harris, with no more discussion the motion passed with a 4-0 vote of the Board.
1st Reading of Ordinance #709 General Election was read by Alderman Deal, a motion to accept the 1st Reading of Ordinance #709 was by Mayor Pro Tem Crawford; it was 2nd by Alderman Eastwood; with no more discussion the motion passed, with a 4-0 vote of the Board. The 2nd Reading of Ordinance #709 General Election was read by Mayor Pro Tem Crawford, a motion to accept the 2nd Reading of Ordinance #709 was by Alderman Eastwood; it was 2nd by Alderman Deal; with no more discussion the motion passed, with a 4-0 vote of the Board. A motion to approve Ordinance #709 General Election was made by Alderman Eastwood; it was 2nd by Mayor Pro Tem Crawford; with no more discussion, a roll call vote was taken: Alderman Harris – yes, Alderman Deal – Alderman Eastwood – yes, Mayor Pro Tem Deal – yes. Motion passed with 4 yes and 0 no.

Alderman Deal motioned to shelf the Drexel Ride Along Policy; it was 2nd by Alderman Harris. Roll call vote was taken; Alderman Harris – yes, Alderman Deal – yes, Alderman Eastwood – no, Mayor Pro Tem Crawford – no, tie breaker Mayor Mayfield – no. After more discussion Mayor Pro Tem Crawford made a motion to change the wording from Board of Alderman to Board of Alderman or Mayor.; the motion was 2nd by Alderman Eastwood. With more discussion the Board decided that it needed more word changes so the motion and 2nd failed due to more discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Crawford motioned to table Resolution #276 Ride Along Policy to a later date; it was 2nd by Alderman Harris, with no more discussion the motion passed with a 4-0 vote of the Board.

- Final discussions were made with the old trailer park, prospective buyer David Still is ready to move forward. Alderman Deal motioned that Mr. Still will contact the surveyor to have the corners marked and the City of Drexel will pay for it, it was 2nd by Alderman Harris, with no more discussion it passed with a 4-0 vote of the Board.
- Alderman Eastwood motion to put Mayor Mayfield in charge of negotiations & signing contracts; it was 2nd by Alderman Harris, with no more discussion it passed with a 4-0 vote of the Board.
A motion to into Executive Session do to Missouri Sunshine section 610.021 (3), 2nd by Alderman Eastwood, with no more discussion a roll call vote was taken; Alderman Harris – yes, Alderman Deal – yes, Alderman Eastwood – yes, Mayor Pro Tem Crawford – yes, motion passed with a 4-0 vote of the Board. (8:14 pm).
(9:00) Regular Session resumed. The Board of Alderman decided to have a work session on November 23, 2020 at 6:00 pm.

A motion was made by Alderman Eastwood to Adjourn; it was 2nd by Alderman Harris, with no more discussion it passed with a 4-0 vote of the Board. (9:10 pm).

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