Friday, June 16, 2023

Aldermen approve budget; mull loose dog problem


This kennel is similar to one proposed by Adrian City
Administrator Ryan Wescote to house stray dogs. Where
to put it is up for debate  among other things.

Rogue dogs was a topic of much debate during the regular session of the Adrian alderman meeting on June 12th which included discussion of purchasing a pre-fab kennel that would offer a humane place for escapees, but apparently there’s a lot of details to be worked out first.

Recently, loose dogs killed a cat as its owners helplessly looked on, adding urgency to the situation. As pointed out by city administrator Ryan Wescote, cities have been dealing with such issues since the beginning of time, proof that there are no easy answers.

He did however, propose a plan that includes the purchase of the ready-to-go kennel that would hold 6 or so animals for an estimated $50,000. Where to put the unit is a different story- a logical location would be at the city shop (former MoDot building) on 18 highway but he voiced concerns that the septic tank at that location might not be able to accommodate the daily kennel washdowns. He proposed instead to locate the kennel directly behind city hall and connecting to city sewer, hence relocating the recycling bins to another location. Alderman Jeremy Bridges voiced concerns about barking “all night in the middle of town” and other problems that could likely arise.

And other questions remain unanswered such as will an animal control officer be hired or will the police do it? Are all codes up to date regarding animal policies? Where to take unclaimed animals? As the dizzying conversation continued, all signs point back to who will enforce animal control in the first place.

It was suggested that the police do it, and Chief Chris Dillion is agreeable but as priorities go, it’s obvious there would need to be a dedicated person (or persons) to do it. “The last thing we need is for a child getting hurt” said Wescote. Alderman Bridges added “Do we have an actual policy or a plan (for animal control)?”

For the most part, no. Wescote and the aldermen have been working steadfastly to get the city up to date on everything, including codes. And in this case codes specifically related to animal control.

More debate will surely happen in the upcoming July meeting.

In other news, Wescote continues to forge ahead with grants for the city of Adrian including a request of $100,000 for sidewalk replacement/repairs which would be a matching grant requiring the city to kick in half the amount.

The budget was approved to the tune of $3.3 million; all i’s have been dotted and t’s crossed. The fiscal year begins July 1st.

Landowner Todd Lowe approached the council regarding the purchase of a strip of land between his current property on 1st street and the railroad tracks. Some questions arose regarding railroad right-of-way distance and a few other factors, the discussion was tabled until the next meeting.

The Adrian board of aldermen meet on the second Monday, 7 pm at city hall and the public is highly encouraged to attend. As a courtesy, Mid America Live provides video coverage of the meetings which can be found on YouTube, search the Mid America Live channel.

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