Friday, February 2, 2024

Butler Lady Bears lose a one point game tonight to Leeton

The Lady Bears won the tip and went on an opening 5-0 run to jump out to an early lead over the Lady Bulldogs. Parsons of Leeton would silence the Butler run by hitting a 3 that would be followed up by another basket for the Bulldogs to tie all scores up at 5-5 with 4:45 left in the opening period. The score would sit at 5-5 for a few minutes as both offenses grew stagnate until Haven Humphrey would hit a floater for the Bears and push the Butler lead 7-5. The Lady Bears would end the quarter with a 10-7 lead over the Bulldogs.

Carmichael opened up the scoring in the second with a 3 pointer which would spark a 2nd quarter run for Butler. Mudd would finally stop the bleeding for the Bulldogs and end the Bears run with a 3 of her own, but immediately following, Carmichael would answer with her 2nd 3 pointer of the period. The Bears led 18-12 after one half of play.

The Bears opened the second half with a put-back bucket off the hands of Haven Humphrey that stretched the Bear lead to 20-12. The Bulldogs would start to roar back and close in on the Bears. The Lady Bulldogs would only be trailing 5 with a score of 30-25 going into the 4th and final quarter of play.

To open the final round, both teams would trade scores until Parsons would hit a 3 to start a run for the Bulldogs. The Bears would finally answer, but Mudd would hit a corner 3 to tie the game at 34 a piece with right around 3 minutes to go in regulation. Shaffer would follow up Mudd’s 3 with a traditional 3-point play of her own that would see the Lady Bulldogs claim a 37-34 lead with 2 and a half minutes left on the clock. Parsons would then burry yet another 3 to stretch the lead even more to 40-34. Dubray would be the Bear that would finally answer, scoring off of a transition bucket and cutting the lead to 40-36. Shaffer would then miss 2 shots at the charity stripe which led to Clover hitting a transition lay-up for the Bears to make it a one possession ball game at 40-38 with 1 minute remaining.

In the final minute of play, Parsons would go to the line for Leeton with a chance to make it a 2 possession game, but the Bears would catch a break with Parsons going 0-2 and Humphrey securing the board. With 25 seconds to go, Dubray went to the line with a chance to tie the game, she would miss the pair but Carmichael grabbed the rebound and Tourtillot was sent to the line for the Bears. She would be unable to convert either, but the Bears would yet again have a chance from the stripe, this time with Dubray would toe the line. She would have 2 shots with the Bears trailing by 2, she would go 1-2 and the Bears would end up falling to the Lady Bulldogs with a final of 39-40.

The Bears went 5 of 22 from the free throw line on the night.

Carmichael led the Bears in scoring with 12 points, 8 rebounds, and 2 assists, followed by Cloey Fritts who would add in 10 points and 5 boards while Kylee had 17 rebounds and 6 points and Humphrey recorded 11 boards as well.

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-Courtesy of Cody Morris

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