Friday, February 2, 2024

Butler varsity bears get Courtwarming win over Leeton

The Butler Varsity Bears took on Leeton tonight for Courtwarming tonight in the Bears Den.

Senior Dylan Davidson would jump center for the Bears and secure the first possession for Butler. Trumbore would find Davidson under the basket to trigger the scoring in the game. 

The Bears began the quarter with defensive pressure that would immediately force a Bulldogs turnover. The Bulldogs however would answer back, flushing a three. Carter would sink a deep ball of his own before Johnson of Leeton would hammer one in to give the Bulldogs an early 9-5 lead. Trumbore would drive to the rack to put an end to a 6-0 Bulldogs run. 

Another forced turnover by the Bears would lead to a strong inside basket from Davidson and see the Bears reclaim a 10-9 advantage before the Bulldogs would answer. Davidson would continue to dominate in the interior for the Bears and again take a 12-11 lead in what was shaping up to be a back-and-forth contest. The basket exchange would continue and the Bulldogs would lead 15-14 after the first 8 minutes.

Leeton initiated the scoring in the 2nd. Trumbore would then spark a run with a drive to basket for 2 followed by a gorgeous euro-step bucket by Brandon Hammer for a quick 4-0 run for the Bears. Leeton, assisted by a few silly Bear turnovers, would answer with a 9-0 run of their own. 

Davidson once again would quiet the noise with another strong post finish preceding a 3 ball by Trumbore that would it back to a single possession game at 26-23 in favor of the Bulldogs. Jake Chandler would knot the ball game up with a put back 3 with 1 minute to go in the first half. At the end of the half, Trumbore would hit a floater to take a 28-26 lead into the break.

To start the half, Mallatt hit a bucket to spark a 4-0 opening run before the Bulldogs would sink yet another 3 pointer. Both teams would proceed to swap scores for the majority of the 3rd quarter.

Bears held a double-digit lead entering the final quarter, sitting atop the Bulldogs with a score of 41-31. After the first 2 and a half minutes went by with no scoring, Uptergrove would open up the baskets with a 3 to shrink the Bears lead back to 7. But the Bears would finish strong and walk away with a 54-46 victory.

Carter Trumbore led all scoring on the night with 29 points and 5 rebounds while Davison secured a double-double with 14 scores and 11 boards. Jake Chandler also had an impressive night recording 7 points, 6 rebounds and 5 steals.

The Bulldogs were led by Uptergrove with 20 points.

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-Courtesy of Cody Morris

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