Monday, February 26, 2024

Love history?

Mid America Live would like to introduce a new element to our web site- Podcasts by history buff Bob Ford. We also will be running his written articles in the printed News-Shopper at regular intervals, be watching for them. 

Here's an into to today's podcast:
Walter Cronkite was a newsman’s newsman. He became the most trusted man in America by being a pure reporter. From landing in a glider with the 101st Airborne behind enemy lines in Europe to being on the ground in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive, he reported unfiltered what he saw. His subtle enthusiasm as the United States began to explore space pulled us all in. America relied on his word. Walter Cronkite personified what journalism was… and should be again. Join us as we look at his life, times and the news he faithfully covered... "and that's the way it is." Visit our Website at:

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