06-08-24 @ 1406 Hours. The EL Dorado Springs Fire Department responded 6 miles east on 54 Highway concerning a reported motor vehicle fire. 3 Trucks and 15 firefighters responded. Firefighters we're on scene for 1 hour and 31 minutes.
06-10-24 @ 1047 Hours. The EL Dorado Springs Fire Department responded to First and Oak streets concerning reported powerlines and power poles down.
06-10-24 @ 1057 Hours. The EL Dorado Springs Fire Department responded to east Field street concerning a reported lift assist with the ambulance crew.
06-11-24 @ 1027 Hours. The EL Dorado Springs Fire Department responded to Tiffin concerning a lift assist with the ambulance crew.
06-13-24 @ 1712 Hours. The EL Dorado Springs Fire Department responded to Stockton concerning a request from Stockton fire for a structure fire. 3 Trucks and 15 firefighters responded. Eldo fire was on scene for 2 hours and 36 minutes.