Wednesday, April 17, 2013


The oath of office was administered at this week’s Butler City Council meeting…Brian Phillips from Ward One…Gayle Stark for Ward two…Harold Weil, Ward three…and Doug Wix for Ward four. Also, the election results for the half-cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax were approved.

The Council voted in Brian Phillips of Ward One as Mayor Pro-Tem, to handle Council business when Mayor Don Malan has to be absent.

The Council passed three ordinances…one to establish the half-cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax…another for the sale of 12-point-48 acres in the Butler Industrial Park, to MC Power, Inc., for the development of the Solar Farm which is in the works, to locate in Butler’s Industrial Park…and a third ordinance was added for a solar access easement for that property.

Much thanks from the Council and from the general public, to Cammeron Herrell, who volunteered to put the Oakhill Cemetery records into a digital format. This took months, as Cammeron updated for years back, updated maps, and did other work that has needed to be done. Thanks again for Cammeron Herrell’s fine job on that.

The Council continues to study and discuss the Economic Development program that would team Butler, Adrian and Rich Hill, to help promote economic activity in Bates County.

Dennis Jacobs and the Airport Commission is reviewing final engineer estimates for drainage improvements at the airport, and seal coating the runway, and will consider an agreement for engineering services for the project with Burns and McDonnell. The Commission also reviewed plans for terminal building interior remodeling for the office and restroom areas…especially so one of the restrooms will be up to ADA requirements.

It also approved bids for hangar maintenance projects for replacements of interior lighting and electrical outlets, and will take bids for roof repairs.

The Airport Commission also approved an increase to the hangar rental fees. This is the main income that helps the Airport to pay its own way.

The Council studied the request of David Robinson, to purchase city property just north of his own property, but the Council put it on hold, while it studies the City’s several pieces of property that could be made available to the public. And that’s the Butler City Council picture up to now.

Courtesy of FM.92

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